El Gourmet Mexicano

The Mexican cuisine is considered one of the world’s bests cuisines; nevertheless, its great diversity is really unknown. “El Gourmet Mexicano” talks about the ingredients that the chefs normally use, and also about a lot of other ingredients that books of this kind don’t include. In general it’s considered that the corn, the chili and the beans are the basis of Mexican food, but the surprising number of varieties and the multiple forms that they can take are not broadly known. “El Gourmet Mexicano” opens the Mexican pantry and shows to the chefs the best way to use the numerous culinary discoveries that are found in there.

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Irregular Verbs


I found some lists with the most common English irregular verbs.  I think that they can be useful, so here you have the links to take a look to the lists.

http://mnliteracy.org/sites/default/files/5-6present_perfect_cd-irregular.pdf http://www.e-grammar.org/download/list-of-irregular-verbs.pdf

Enlaces Ionicos


Hoy vengo con un vídeo en inglés sobre los enlaces ionicos, ya que es uno de los temas que he estado estudiando hace poco.

Chocolate Cups


I am thinking on making a chocolate coffee pot someday. This idea came when I saw this video from Ann Reardon, a girl who has a youtube channel where she shows how she makes very original desserts.


Selected Short Stories


Hoy vengo con unas historias en ingles que he estado leyendo estas ultimas semanas, es una recopilación de cuentos ordenados por dificultad , de forma que según avanzas el vocabulario y la complicación de las historias va aumentando. El libro se llama Selected Short Stories, y es de Arthur M. Jensen, aunque las historias no están escritas por el. Os dejo aqui el link para que le echéis un vistazo, esta bastante bien.

Nuevas rutas hacia Oriente/New routes to the East

Hoy os dejo mi traducción a la introducción de un capitulo del libro de historia «nuevas rutas hacia oriente».

The Sterling point to the East was in the eastern Mediterranean and in the Black Sea, areas of commercial exchanges from where the terrestrial and maritime itineraries of the Silk Road departed. Between the centuries XII and XIV, thai route was reborn thanks todo the «pax mongolica», and bussines people from different places and men of faith of diverse religions took its roads.


Alice in Wonderland


Today I’m going to tell you about the book I was reading in English this last weeks, Alice in Wonderland.  I have read the first four chapters, from the start, when Alice goes behind the rabbit, to the moment she arrives at the room of the doors and the meeting with the animals.

Anyway, I think the version that I have read is shorter, comparing with the book I have in Spanish that is a longer version.

Europe 1000-1300 a.C.

The transition from the first to the second feudal age produced a readjustment in the “Universal Order”. This concept was promoted by the Roman Catholic Church and it expressed that the world was a great unity composed by the spiritual power and the secular power. The crisis produced by de fight between both powers was resolved, the Iberic Peninsula was reconquered, the first Crusade began and Jerusalem was conquered.


Muffins de chocolate con menta


Esta vez he traducido una receta de muffins de chocolate con menta, en las fotos tenían una pinta deliciosa.

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Galletitas de limón rellenas

Os dejo mi ultima traducción, esta vez de unas galletitas de limón.

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Anteriores Entradas antiguas


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diseño con fundamento


El arte de la familia Carracedo